Sunday, May 31, 2009


Leg Press

Leg Presses are a great machine for beginners who don't have a personal trainer to show them how to perform a squat or lunge correctly: below is a photo of a leg press.

To Perform the Leg press correctly you want to place your feet at the top of the machine toes touching the top and about shoulder width apart. You want to make sure when you lower the machine and your legs your knee's never go past your toes. You want to go down about 90 degree's keeping consent resistance on your muscles. Never go down so low you don't feel your muscles working. As well as never lock out your joints at the top of the movement. You want to be sure to press up and down with the pressure of the resistance on your heals.

If you're a beginner and you're doing a full body exercise program do this exercise 3 times a week if you don't feel comfortable doing squats, lunges, or step ups. Do 10 reps the 1st day than 20 reps the 2nd day and than 6 reps the 3rd non consecutive day of your exercise program. Make sure you adjust your weights accordingly of course if your doing less weight you need heavier weight so you fatigue at that rep range and if you're exercise rep range is 20 you use a lighter weight that you fatigue at doing 20 reps.

Here's to learning and performing another fun easy exercise for you so you can get in great shape.

Muscles that this exercise works, pretty much all your lower body.


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