Monday, April 13, 2009


Awesome Book!!! THE FRED FACTOR


As you may know I love reading great books and ones that are extremely exceptional. I just read the “The Fred Factor” it’s a story about a mail man. Sounds pretty lame I know, though it’s a bit different it’s about Fred. Fred is this man who was or still is a mailman who went above and beyond his call of duty. He was not just a mailman he was an extrodanary individtual. “FRED” was the phrased used throughout the book for any extrodanary individtual that Mark Sanborn a Professional Speaker and the author of the book came into contact with. He also explaiend how you too can be an exceptional indivitual and it’s never to late. Each day is a new day. Read this book and you can find out what it takes to be a fred and what FRED means. This book is a great read, real quick and easy and loaded with great information. It’s about 100 pages easy print. Go pick up a copy or order it today at amazon: Click here to Order

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