Saturday, December 08, 2007


Tell me what you think.

Dear Friend


If you want better health and vitality, I have a solution for you that could make you $5,000 a month or more. With just getting your friends, family, co-workers, and clients to take a liquid multivitamin

Stop reading on if you don't.



If I could show you an opportunity with which you could take a $60-dollar-a-month investment in your health and turn that into a part-time or even full-time income opportunity would you be interested? Yes, If you’re like me, that extra cash flow would really help out.


I’ve set up a pretty cool website which will give you a great idea what I’m talking about. Check it out at


If you don’t like the pressures of selling, just watch this Extreme Financial Makeover show! It does most of the selling and it’s funny. That is why I like this business so much; this website does it all the tough stuff for you. By the way, all it takes to get started is $60 bucks and I can get you the same website with your name on it at NO EXTRA COST to you!  This site is incredible!


So take a look at my website and call me at 480-628-1607 after you take a look at it, I would love to hear what you think. 


If your not interested in becoming more healthy and not wanting to make additional income than thank you for your time and dis-miss this great opportunity.  Though if you are, get started right away on my website: or give me a call: 480-628-1607




in great health and happiness
Scott White
Personal Power Training
Professional Fitness Trainer
Optimal Performance Exercise Kinesiologist

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