Sunday, November 25, 2007


Motivation, Drive, Never Give Up!

Life can be tough and times we may want to get discouraged though remember you always can push harder and give more.
never ever quite. When I was growing up my father told me something I will never forget "Winners never quite and quitters will never win" I live by this still today. If I want something there is nothing more powerful then my drive. My drive and passion will get me through any situation and tough times and times in my life where it feels like I'm down and out.
there is never a reason you can't do something, you mind will believe what you tell yourself, so tell yourself how great you are and you go and always give your very best.
your very best is far more then you may even realized it, if you haven't ever pushed before where your whole body shakes, aches, and feels burning pain, you may never really know what it's like to give everything you got.
Don't let the little things in your mind stop you, Never quite, never give up, always push and proceed to get what you want in life, nothing is stupid, nothing is not worth it, nothing is worth giving up, if your truly want something then do everything in your power to get what you want and don't let any thing get in your way. Because if you do then you will continue put yourself further back from your goal.
go for it all, be your best and give all you possibly can image and then give even more, more and more.
here's a great clip from the move "awaken the giants" that really motivating: check it out:

in great health and happiness.

Scott White
Personal Power Training
Professional Fitness Trainer

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