Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Personal Training Secrets

Personal Trainer Fitness Secrets

Biweekly Newsletter by Scott White

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Fitness Article of the Week
The Benefits of Working With an Online Trainer

Benefits of working with an online personal trainerMany people want to get in shape, lose weight, and increase bone mass. The health benefits of having a fit body are so numerous that it is a wonder why so many people refuse to take the plunge and begin a workout program of their own Some benefits of developing a workout regimen include decreased risk of heart disease, weight loss, and increased energy.

I'd Begin a Training Program, But...

People fail to develop their own workout programs for lots of reasons, the most common being that the average Joe simply does not know how to develop a program he can stick with. Many people invest in home workout equipment and then simply dont know what to do with it once they've got it. So rather than using them, you wind up dumping those weights and abs machines in a dark corner of your basement where they just collect dust.

You could join your neighborhood gym and invest in a few personal training sessions where you have a personal trainer develop a fitness program just for you. These sessions can be very costly, however, and some people can become intimidated by joining a gym and being around a lot of fit, muscular people. Instead, they convince themselves that once they have lost a few pounds, they will be worthy to begin working out in a real gym.

Thanks to the Internet, though, you are able to get all the benefits of having a personal trainer develop a training program around your fitness goals at a fraction of the cost of hiring an actual trainer in your hometown. Your online trainer will suggest exercises and routines you can perform in the comfort of your own home. Hiring an online personal trainer gives you the chance to realistically meet your fitness goals without having to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.

What Can You Expect From an Online Personal Trainer?

Online personal training programs range in price from $10 to $50 per month, depending on the features of the specific program. Most online personal training programs will consult with you via e-mail regarding your current fitness level and goals. They will then develop a customized strength program, customized cardiovascular program, and a customized stretching program for you. You will then consult with your online trainer each week via e-mail regarding your progress. Your trainer will then make adjustments to your program, as needed.

Many online personal training programs also offer diet planning to help you reach your weight loss goals even faster. Some go so far as to plan out a weeks worth of meals and snacks. You also should receive workout reminders at your predetermined time, and a training log, so you are sure to never forget about a workout again. If youre feeling down, your personal trainer will also give you motivational support and help you through any plateaus you may experience. You may also be provided with a calorie calculator to allow you to count the number of calories consumed each day, versus the number of calories burned.

An online personal trainer works well for someone who is self-motivated to achieve their fitness goals, but simply feels uncomfortable at the gym, or who has time restrictions. For someone who procrastinates and needs to have an actual person with them to ensure that they don't cheat at their exercises, an online personal trainer relationship may not be the best choice.

If you are unsure about whether an online personal training program is right for you, most sites offer a trial membership that gives you a week or so to test drive the program. The worst thing that could happen is that you realize online personal training isnt for you, which forces you to finally start going to the gym. Either way you will get fit. Anyone who is self-motivated to get fit, though, will usually excel by hiring an online personal trainer.

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Featured Exercise
Lower Back Exercises

The lower back is an often-neglected part of the body Most fitness routines make little mention of lower back muscles, though it is very important to include them in your exercise regimen. Your lower back muscles help support your other muscles while you exercise, and thus need to be developed.

Exercise to keep your lower back fit


Many people suffer from lower back pain because they use their lower back muscles improperly when lifting heavy objects; bend in the wrong manner; have joint problems; and of course, are simply getting older. Though painkillers and rubs may offer temporary relief, it is always better to implement a lower back exercise routine into your daily exercise program. This is sure to provide much more relief than any painkiller or balm can offer.


With lower back exercises, the lower back muscles not only become stronger, but also tend to become more flexible. Once you have strengthened your lower back muscles, most lower back pain naturally diminishes.


It is very important that you know the proper way to do lower back exercises in order to maintain your overall health. It is always better to perform lower back exercises at the end of the training routine, as the lower back muscles are the muscles that have to help during other exercises.


One lower back exercise requires you to lie on your back, with your legs extended and arms placed overhead. Starting with your left leg, lift it, and the opposite (right) arm, hold for one count, and pause. Then switch. A single count includes the lifting of the arm and leg simultaneously. While doing this lower back exercise, the head must be lifted off of the floor a few inches, while maintaining drawn shoulders and engaged abdominals. Do five to 10 repetitions on each side to feel the effects of the exercise.


The lower back extension, a version of a sit-up, is a great lower back exercise where you lie on your chest with your arms extended in front of you. The body is then stretched like a straight line from the hips, extending the arms as far forward and the legs as far backward as possible; then return to the original position. This lower back exercise should be done for eight to 20 repetitions while moving slowly and with the abdominals engaged.


Another lower back exercise is the cat stretch, where you start on all fours while having a flat back. The spine is then flexed like a cat does, with your chin and tail tucked. Hold this position for one count and return to a position where the back is flat. This is repeated at least five times.


Lying on the back and pulling knees to the chest is another lower back exercise that proves to be very effective. This position of knees-to-chest should be held for 30 seconds, for two to three repetitions.


As with all exercises, do not begin this routine before speaking to your doctor or chiropractor, particularly if you already are experiencing back pain. It is important that you receive clearance from your physician before trying any lower back exercise, because lower back exercises will work only if you have a healthy back.

Ask Scott White | Personal Trainer

I'm 36 years of age and have been on a diet and exercise plan, but I'm having difficulty losing weight and can't understand why. Last year I was thinner than I am now. Do you think if I use a whey protein shake it will help me..because I was informed by the guy at the health food store that in order to see a difference in your body, you need to take a protein supplement.

Scott Responds
The decision about whether or not to use a protein powder is just one of many factors involved in the weight-loss process - and it should be viewed in that light, as simply one of many pieces to the puzzle. In actuality, a sound exercise plan combined with a diet of whole, real foods is far more important than whether or not to consume protein powder.

For millions of years, people have been thin without including a protein powder in their diets.  A protein powder supplement can benefit you if you are having difficulty incorporating enough natural protein into your eating, or if your schedule makes it challenging for you to regularly eat healthy, natural foods.

Staying thin requires you to eat healthy, whole foods that are correct for your metabolic type.  As far as your exercise plan goes, you should consistently increase your intensity, working hard to improve each day, week, and month. Those are the nuts-and-bolts basics to staying thin.  Should you decide to add a protein powder to your diet, the best is Jay Robb's. Made from egg and whey powder, it's all-organic and very clean.  

Of course, it's possible that you'll get the exercise and diet factors in place and still have a tough time losing weight.  Exercise and eating are the two most significant factors in weight loss, but the body can be a complicated puzzle, and sometimes it requires more than just exercise and a diet adjustment.  Nevertheless, you must begin by exploring your exercise and eating habits - starting anywhere else first will just be a waste of your time.  

Got a Question?
Got a question? Send it to us at Ask the Trainer. We personally answer as many questions as we can. Your question may be used anonymously in the newsletter unless you ask us not to.

Issue 16
January 29, 2007


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Success Secrets Quote

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Definition of Fitness:

Good health or physical condition, especially as the result of exercise
and proper nutrition.

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