Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Personal Power Training | Personal Training http://ift.tt/1dyBhNh

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Monday, March 16, 2015


People always say: "I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT" BUT... they rather blame or explain why they can't instead of taking action then just shut up and jump on board to get results. Start taking action and talking less... Start Doing what you need to do and let all the B.S. from your life disappear.

Personal Power Training | Personal Training http://ift.tt/1dyBhNh

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Thursday, March 12, 2015


1,200 more likes and we hit the big 10k... Wow Keep liking and following us and be sure to get your buns in for a workout. We don't just want more likes we want more people we can transform their lives.

Personal Power Training | Personal Training http://ift.tt/1dyBhNh

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Thursday, March 05, 2015


Weight Loss is a Science and it works 100% of the time if you follow the formula. Top 3 reason's people are not successful in weight loss: They don't do what works They stop doing what works They fight the formula that works

Personal Power Training | Personal Training http://ift.tt/1dyBhNh

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