Monday, May 26, 2008


Dancing.. Funny Video on the Evolution of Dance

Check this out always up for a great laugh.. and this is hilarious.. Dancing can be an amazing workout though this is just plain funny..

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Friday, May 23, 2008


My Daily Blessing to You...

"Persistence" Print
Motivation, Persistence, when the going get's tough the tough get going..
let no, weather condition, disability, pain, fear... Get in your way..
You can cover come all odds if you put your mind to it and take ACTION!!

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organic produce market conditions update

Asparagus - Steady, moderate supplies coming from northern California and Wisconsin. Wisconsin will be picking up volume over the next few weeks.
Broccoli -
Good supplies on broccoli as the market continues to softens this week. Expect good supplies and a low market for the month of June.
Cabbage -
Both east and west coasts have limited supplies of red cabbage. Look for this item to be tight for the next few weeks. There are fair supplies on both coasts of green cabbage.
- The market has dropped significantly. Much like broccoli, expect good supplies and a low market for the month of June.
Celery -
Although the celery market is somewhat limited right now this should change over the next 2 weeks as the market will begin to soften.
- Better supplies this week on chards with a slightly softer market. Red and Rainbow varieties are seeing the tightest availability.
- Collards remain in limited supply. It will still be another couple of weeks before availability improves.
- Kale supplies also remain limited with no real change in the marketplace.
Leaf Lettuces
- Good availability continues with a slightly softer market this week. Supplies and pricing should remain good/excellent throughout the month of June.
- Good supplies on leeks and a steady market this week.
- New crop onions are now available. Sweet Vidalia onions out of Georgia are also available.
- New crop red, white and yellow potatoes from California are available.
- Good supplies as the spinach market softens. Strong supplies should remain through the month of June.
- The layered tomato market is steady this week.

Apples - Northwest apple supplies are beginning to tighten. There are limited supplies of storage red and gold delicious causing the market to rise. The Chilean import supply remains limited due to overall gapping. Crop loss combined with fair quality means very limited supplies and higher pricing on Braeburn, Pink Lady and Granny Smith varieties. Look for variable availability on these apples through June. The first of the New Zealand Galas are just now arriving with Fujis expecting to arrive next week. Expect a very high market on the New Zealand apples due to reduced crop and a strong market due to the Chilean shortage. Look for New Zealand Braeburns to arrive in mid June.
- California apricots supplies should improve as we move into next week. California cherries should be increasing but there has been some crop loss from high damaging winds. The northwest cherry crop will be delayed this year (start time around June 15) and supplies will be down significantly due to late freeze damage. Expect very high pricing during June with possible gaps between California and Northwest crops.
- The Mexican Hass crop is done for now and the focus is on the California Hass. Right now they are peaking on 60 count sizes. There is good availability on 48 and 70 size as well.
- Current strawberry supplies are good with excellent size berries available. Once the weather warms up and they become available from the central California coast expect the supplies to be very heavy. Raspberries out of Watsonville are beginning to peak - quality is excellent and pricing is down. Blueberries are available from both east and west coasts featuring good berry size with very nice sugar content!
- Excellent supplies of California Valencias are available. Mexico also has good supplies on Valencias - look for these to go through the end of May. Florida is finishing up with their Valencia season. The lemon market is still tight. Limes are becoming in much better supply. Navels are finished for the season. California grapefruit supplies are strong with mostly big size fruit available. Now shipping Desert Pink and Star Ruby varieties.
- Early California and Mexican Red Flame grapes have begun. Overall good supplies are expected as we head into June. Quality report is very strong! Mexican Perlettes are now shipping with Sugarones beginning next week. Look for the Superiors to begin in 2 weeks. California black grapes should begin mid/late June.
- Newly harvest kiwi from New Zealand are now arriving on a regular basis. Organic gold kiwi is now available for the first time in several years.
- Tommy Atkins and Haden variety mangoes are not as abundant as they have been in the past few months causing the market to rise slightly. Expect lighter supplies on these varieties for the next 2-3 weeks before supplies pick up again. Ataulfo and Haitian mangoes are in steady supply and are a very flavorful alternative to the popular looking red mangoes.
- Mexican yellow peaches should go for about another 10 days. Pricing is down as they are overlapping with California supplies. California is starting to see increased volume on peaches with fruit peaking at smaller sizes right now. White peaches are in fair supply with small sizing as well. Nectarine supplies remain light out of California but are slowly improving. Nectarines will begin their peak production around June 7th and continue through July. The first of the red plums should begin next week. Plums have been delayed due to cool weather. Expect black plums to begin around the first week of June. Overall forecast is for strong availability this season on plums.
- With a lack of apples, there has been heavy demand on import pears causing prices to rise. Current volume is with Anjou and Packham varieties. Anjou pears should finish by mid June with the Packham variety finishing by the end of June. Bosc available is fair but they should be ending by the start of June. All domestic pears are finished.

*All information and forecasts in this report are based on current market conditions. While accurately sourced and reported, the information is subject ot change due to natural fluctuations in the market conditions.


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Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Fructose is No Answer For a Sweetener

By Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.

The consumption of fructose (corn syrup) has risen considerably in the general population within recent years. In 1980 the average person ate 39 pounds of fructose and 84 pounds of sucrose. In 1994 the average person ate 66 pounds of sucrose and 83 pounds of fructose. This 149 pounds is approximately 19% of the average person's diet.

This increase is due to several factors. There was a decreased use of cane and beet sugar (sucrose) in processed foods and a wide spread use of corn syrup due to economics. Corn is much cheaper and twice as sweet as table sugar. It is absorbed only 40% as quickly as glucose and causes only a modest rise in blood sugar.

A few years ago the medical community revealed that there was good news for diabetics. Many people had previously known that table sugar (sucrose) was not a healthy food for diabetics because it raised their blood sugar levels above normal.

Since diabetics have a hard time maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, doctors counseled diabetics not to eat sugar. The new revelation was that diabetics could eat fructose because fructose did not raise their blood sugar level extremely high. So far so good, but there is more.

Many doctors were recommending fructose instead of glucose. Today fructose is not only being used by some diabetics but it is used for a variety of foods, drinks and confectionery around the world. It is used for candies for diabetics, desserts for weight watchers, drinks for the sportsman and jelly for the health conscious.

The medical community recommended it because of a low increase in glucose in the blood. The scientists did not look at other factors in the body when a person eats sugar. Let's look at some of these factors now.

  1. Fructose has no enzymes, vitamins, and minerals and robs the body of its micronutrient treasures in order to assimilate itself for physiological use.

    Fructose browns food more readily (Maillard reaction) than with glucose. This may seem like a good idea, but it is not.

    The Maillard reaction, a browning reaction, happens with any sugar. With fructose it happens seven times faster with than glucose, results in a decrease in protein quality and a toxicity of protein in the body.

    This is due to the loss of amino acid residues and decreased protein digestibility. Maillard products can inhibit the uptake and metabolism of free amino acids and other nutrients such as zinc and some advanced Maillard products have mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties. The Maillard reactions between proteins and fructose, glucose, and other sugars may play a role in aging and in some clinical complications of diabetes.

  2. Research showed that in subjects that had healthy glucose tolerance and those that had unhealthy glucose tolerance, fructose caused a general increase in both the total serum cholesterol and in the low density lipoproteins (LDL) in most of the subjects. This puts a person at risk for heart disease.
  3. Another study showed that the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) increased without an apparent change in high density lipoproteins (HDL). The VLDL and the LDL should be as low as possible and the HDL should be as high as possible.
  4. There is a significant increase in the concentration of uric acid that is dependent on the amount of fructose digested. After glucose no significant change occurs. An increase in uric acid can be an indicator of heart disease.
  5. Fructose ingestion in humans results in increases in blood lactic acid, especially in patients with preexisting acidotic conditions such as diabetes, postoperative stress, or uremia. The significance to human health is that extreme elevations cause metabolic acidosis and can result in death.
  6. Fructose is absorbed primarily in the jejunum and metabolized in the liver. Fructose is converted to fatty acids by the liver at a greater rate than is glucose. When consumed in excess of dietary glucose, the liver cannot convert all of the excess of fructose in the system and it may be malabsorbed. What escapes conversion and being absorbed into the cells may be thrown out in the urine. Diarrhea can be a consequence.
  7. Fructose interacts with oral contraceptives and elevates insulin levels in women on "the pill."
  8. Fructose reduced the affinity of insulin for its receptor. This is the first step for glucose to enter a cell and be metabolized. As a result, the body needs to pump out more insulin, to handle the same amount of glucose.
  9. Fructose consistently produced higher kidney calcium concentrations than did glucose in a study with rats. Fructose generally induced greater urinary concentrations of phosphorus and magnesium and lowered urinary pH compared with glucose.

    The balance of minerals in the body is very important for the function of vitamins, enzymes and other body function. When the minerals are out of the right relationship, the body chemistry suffers. The presence of diarrhea might be the cause of decreased absorption of minerals.

  10. Fructose-fed subjects lose minerals. They had higher fecal excretions of iron and magnesium than did subjects fed sucrose. Apparent iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc balances tended to be more negative during the fructose feeding period as compared to balances during the sucrose feeding period.
  11. A study of 25 patients with functional bowel disease showed that pronounced gastrointestinal distress may be provoked by malabsorption of small amounts of fructose.
  12. Many times fructose and sorbitol are substituted for glucose in parenteral nutrition (intervenious feeding, IV). This can have severe consequences with people with hereditary fructose intolerance, a congenital disorder affecting one in 21,000. A European doctor declared: "Fructose and sorbitol containing infusion fluids have no further place in our hospital pharmacies."
  13. There is significant evidence that high sucrose diets may alter intracellular metabolism, which in turn facilitates accelerated aging through oxidative damage. Scientists found that the rats given fructose had more undesirable cross?linking changes in the collagen of their skin than in the other groups.

    These changes are also thought to be markers for aging. The scientists say that it is the fructose molecule in the sucrose, not the glucose, which plays the larger problem.

  14. Fructose is not metabolized the same as other sugars. Instead of being converted to glucose which the body uses, it is removed by the liver.
  15. Because it is metabolized by the liver, fructose does not cause the pancreas to release insulin the way it normally does. Fructose converts to fat more than any other sugar. This may be one of the reasons Americans continue to get fatter.

    Fructose raises serum triglycerides significantly. As a left-handed sugar, fructose digestion is very low. For complete internal conversion of fructose into glucose and acetates, it must rob ATP energy stores from the liver.

  16. Fructose inhibits copper metabolism. A deficiency in copper leads to bone fragility, anemia, defects of the connective tissue, arteries, and bone, infertility, heart arrhythmias, high cholesterol levels, heart attacks, and an inability to control blood sugar levels.

It seems that the magnitude of the deleterious effects varies depending on such factors as age, sex, baseline glucose, insulin, and triglyceride concentrations, the presence of insulin resistance, and the amount of dietary fructose consumed.

Some people are more sensitive to fructose. They include hypertensive, hyperinsulinemic, hypertriglyceridemic, non?insulin dependent diabetic people, people with functional bowel disease and postmenopausal women.

There is a continuing increase in sugar consumption in the United States. We now eat 153 pounds of sugar per person per year.

This increase is mostly in the form of fructose. From the research presented, it seems that this increase is going to have a negative influence on our health.

Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. is a clinical nutritionist, researcher, lecturer, and author of Lick the Sugar, Healthy Bones, Heal Yourself With Natural Foods and the Curse Of Louis Pasteur and her new book Lick the Sugar Habit Sugar Counter.

Her website is

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Monday, May 19, 2008


Celebrity Fitness | Workout Video


Personal Trainer Fitness Secrets

Bi-Weekly Newsletter by Scott White

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Fitness Articles of the Week

Celebrity Fit Club

With a new season under way of previous overweight celebrities, I think we should remind ourselves that there are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss. Losing the weight is much easier than keeping it off, so you must remember that eating healthy and exercising are not things that you can just stop once you have shed those unwanted pounds. If you need a jumpstart though, consider taking my Fitness Boot Camp. You will see results immediately that will help keep you motivated. (read more)


The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

In recent years it has been proven that coconut oil is probably the most beneficial cooking oil there is. While it has just come back into vogue in the US coconut oil is widely used all over the world in all forms of cooking. While helping to lower bad cholesterol, it also a proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial functions. Coconut oil can also help reduce heart disease, stroke, arteriosclerosis, cancer, digestive disorders, as well as much more. (read more)


"Abalicious" Fitness Tools

So many of us wanted that washboard stomach, or at the very least a flat stomach, well now you can check out some to the most effective abdominal training tools that are available. A few of the great ab equipments you might want to try are the Ab Slider, Ab Wheel and the Dual Exercise Wheel. (read more)



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Located at Chaparral Park, Scottsdale, AZ

Contact me today if you are interested in getting into the best shape of your life, beginning July 7th.


For more information on these or other health-related subjects, contact Scott White at

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May 19, 2008  

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